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A Global Recruiting Platform Free For All

An App to unlock the full potential of the job market and your company

Job Posts In Minutes!

We believe that posting a new job opening should always be simple, therefore that's what we provide. Because of this, a new job post takes no more than a few taps of your finger. Yes, it’s that easy and it’s totally FREE!

Applicant Management System

No more piling up of CVs on your desk! With the revolutionary system of jobdesk®, manage your applicants as efficiently as possible. From inviting candidates to your job post to figuring out the best fit for your company all will be done from one platform. Making your life simpler and easier!

Modernized Overview Section!

Get a real-time, all-encompassing picture of your hiring process from the analytical overview section at any time. It will make sure that you are making data-driven decisions every time, optimizing your recruitment strategy as much as possible.

Shortlists To Narrow The Search

Not all of the applicants will be ideal for the role. That is why you have the option of creating candidate shortlists. This way, you may quickly identify your top candidates without sifting through the entire list.

AI Scoring Applicant

Scoring represents a mathematical model based on statistical methods and calculations for a large amount of information. As a result, AI scoring provides more sensitive, individualized credit score assessments based on an array of additional real-time factors.

To The Interview Stage

Have Shortlisted some candidates who can be perfect for the job? Take it to the next step by inviting them for an interview. You can even offer them 3 different dates, all of which can be done from within the app!

Enjoy it free
Enjoy it free
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Why choose jobdesk®

Because we care about your career..

jobdesk® is digitizing the process of employee management which will help your company to reach the utmost efficiency. This app will ensure that you can feel the revolutionary features of this new management system to a greater extent.

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Employee Management
Employee Management
24/7 Real Support
24/7 Real Support
Free Job Posting
Free Job Posting
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5,000 +
28,000 +
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Online Profiles

An Unique Way To Fulfill Your Vacancies

Don’t want to go through the trouble of posting a job advertisement but still need to find your ideal candidate? The online profile section of the jobdesk® app can provide you with exactly that! There are lots of features in this section that will lead you to your perfect candidate.

Search out your candidate
Buy a candidate profile
Like a candidate profile
Publish a candidate profile
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Online Profiles Online Profiles
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Applicant Applicant
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Assurance of 100% verified online profiles

All the candidates on jobdesk® have to go through a proper verification process to get listed. So thatwhenever you are searching for candidates or thinking of buying their profile info you can be assured of the real deal!

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Assurance of 100% verified online profiles

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